Simplified Transition from Custom PHP to Shopify - Indian Silk House Agencies

  • Client Profile: Indian Silk House Agencies
    Indian Silk House Agencies, a renowned name in the world of ethnic fashion and textiles, was faced with the challenge of streamlining their online presence. Their existing E-commerce store, built on a complex Custom PHP platform, was hindering their ability to provide a seamless shopping experience to their customers. Recognizing the need for a robust and user-friendly solution, they turned to Cart Potato, a dedicated Shopify and Shopify Plus Agency known for delivering E-commerce excellence.
  • The Challenge: Navigating Complexity on Custom PHP
    Indian Silk House Agencies operated on a Custom PHP platform that was intricate and cumbersome. While the portal had served them well in the past, it posed a myriad of challenges as their business expanded. Managing a…
  • The Solution: Shopify Migration by Cart PotatoRecognizing the need for a comprehensive E-commerce overhaul, Indian Silk House Agencies embarked on a journey to migrate their store to Shopify. Partnering with Cart Potato, a Shopify and Shopify Plus Agency with a reputation for excellence, proved to be a pivotal decision.Step 1: Strategic PlanningCart Potato initiated the project with an in-depth assessment of Indian Silk House Agencies’ business needs, goals, and existing pain points. A meticulous migration strategy was developed, outlining the processes of data migration, design transformation, customization, and post-migration support.Step 2: Data Migration

    Migrating from a complex Custom PHP platform to Shopify required a methodical approach. Cart Potato executed a seamless transfer of product data, customer records, order history, and other essential data points. This transition ensured continuity while bringing in the benefits of Shopify’s user-friendly interface.

    Step 3: Design Transformation and Customization

    Understanding Indian Silk House Agencies’ brand identity and customer preferences, Cart Potato embarked on designing a visually appealing, responsive, and intuitive Shopify store. The goal was to maintain the essence of the brand while leveraging Shopify’s capabilities for a seamless shopping experience and world’s best check-out system.

    Step 4: Simplification and Enhanced User Experience

    The complicated portal on Custom PHP was transformed into a simplified, user-friendly and conversion rate optimised Shopify store. This transformation resulted in a shopping journey that was intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable for customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

    Step 5: Testing and Quality Assurance

    Before the official launch, Cart Potato subjected the new Shopify store to rigorous testing to identify and rectify any issues. This meticulous process ensured that the migrated store was fully operational and primed to provide an exceptional user experience.

    Step 6: Launch and Post-Migration Support

    With thorough testing completed, Indian Silk House Agencies’ new Shopify store was launched seamlessly. Cart Potato ensured a smooth transition, minimizing any potential downtime and maintaining customer satisfaction. Post-migration, Cart Potato extended comprehensive support, addressing queries and providing adjustments as needed.

Results and Impact

The migration from a complex Custom PHP platform to Shopify proved to be transformative for Indian Silk House Agencies. The new store showcased enhanced performance, simplified navigation, and a remarkable user experience. Indian Silk House Agencies’ team found managing products, processing orders, and engaging customers to be significantly easier and efficient. The design transformation and enhanced user experience translated to improved customer engagement and increased sales.


The collaboration between Indian Silk House Agencies and Cart Potato exemplifies the power of migrating to a user-friendly and scalable platform like Shopify. By transitioning from a complicated Custom PHP system, Indian Silk House Agencies not only resolved their E-commerce challenges but also positioned themselves for sustained growth and customer satisfaction. This case study underscores the critical role of a dedicated E-commerce partner in achieving success and overcoming complex E-commerce hurdles in the modern digital landscape.